Supreme Court, No 1106/2019: Decision on appeal of our office, published in the magazine Applications of Civil Law and Civil Procedure, June 2020 issue, page 623.

Compensation due to disability or deformity. The amount to which the victim is entitled under Article 931 of the Civil Code is not calculated by the measures of compensation, but it is at the discretion of the Judge to determine it at a fair discretion in a reasonable amount of money, based on both the type, the extent and the consequences, of the disability or deformity of the sufferer and on the other hand the age, the sex, the inclinations of the sufferer and the degree of his complicity. Claiming compensation for disability or deformity is different from claiming compensation for lost income of the victim, which is necessarily associated with invoking and proving specific property damage due to the incapacity of the victim for work and claiming monetary satisfaction due to morality. The above claims can be exercised, either cumulatively or individually since these are independent claims and the foundation of each of them does not necessarily presuppose the existence of the others.